Beyond Farming Collective

Driving inclusive agricultural transformation through industry associations

Creating a vibrant, new network of agri-food industry organisations in Nigeria, Ethiopia, and Tanzania


The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
KIT Royal Tropical Institute
Africa Agribusiness Academy


Product and service design
Business model innovation


Food and agriculture




2022 - 2026

Creating a more equitable, sustainable and profitable agri-food system

Agri-food industry organisations (AFIOs) play a critical role in strengthening and creating a more competitive agri-food sector. AFIOs, which include associations, unions, apex organisations, and producer organisations, integrate a broad set of value chain actors – from small-scale producers to processors, traders, export markets, and policymakers.

Given their wide reach, AFIOs are an ideal partner to champion reforms and initiatives that lead to a more equitable, sustainable, and profitable agri-food system. Ultimately improving the lives of men and women small-scale producers.


AFIOs strengthen their contribution to inclusive agricultural transformation

Supporting 32 AFIOs

To become change agents of Inclusive Agricultural Transformation

Over 1.2 million members

To be served by the AFIOs

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Trisha Clauson