We help organisations to deliver inclusive, commercially viable business solutions

Through our core expertise and experience, our courage and creativity, we continue to bring high quality products into low-income markets.

Core expertise

To deliver impact, we tap
into our superpowers

Our in-depth knowledge and understanding of low-income consumers
sets us apart. Over a decade of innovation and
leadership in these markets, ensures we deliver impact.

and service design

Get the product right

Create desirable, beneficial products and services for low-income markets.

and distribution

Get the product to the consumer

Ensure that products and services are affordable and reach low- income consumers.

model innovation

Get everyone ready

Develop the right strategies and capabilities to reach low-income consumers.

Dimensions of opportunity

Leading and learning
across three dimensions

We are forever evolving and exploring. Within three
dimensions of opportunity, we lead and learn.
We continue to discover new opportunities to serve
low-income consumers.


Digital Innovation provides an efficient way to serve the last-mile. Through these innovations, we can increase demand while also facilitating behavioural change campaigns.

and regeneration

Ensuring that products in low-income markets do not contribute to environmental harm or waste is vital. We look at product design, waste disposal and the waste supply chain to make this happen.

and diversity

Our gender and diversity dimension makes sure our products and services and innovative business models serve those who need it most.

Talk to us

Got a different puzzle that needs solving?

Our team can design a solution
that fits your needs.

Britt de Lange
Roald Klumpenaar


The Demand Engine - Growth Hacking Strategies for Scaling Demand at the BoP

Publication by Bopinc and MiT-Lab / PIA

8 Ways to Strengthen Your Inclusive Innovation Training Programme

Publication by Bopinc and SAIS

GDC - Last Mile Distribution: State of the Sector

Publication by Bopinc, Hystra and Practical Action

2SCALE - BoP Marketing and Distribution

Publication by Bopinc and 2SCALE partners

SWEEP - Transforming the market for emptying toilets in Bangladesh

Publication on Bopinc project with WSUP

D2D Pro - Sales agents bringing light to Nigeria

Video on a D2D Pro sales agent

Hungry for more?
Have a look at our publications, videos and many more resources

Four sectors
where we work

Consumer aspirations are the basis
for our work in these sectors.

Food and agriculture

From fortified rice in Myanmar to healthy baby food in Nigeria. We work with companies on making nutritious food available. We also bring contextualised agricultural innovations to market. From satellite-based data services in Bangladesh, to post-harvest solutions in Kenya.

Water, sanitation and hygiene

From marketing ultra low-cost water filters, to commercialising pit latrine emptying services, to rolling out behaviour change campaigns to increase use of hygiene products and practices. In this sector we help safeguard the health and wellbeing of low-income communities.

Renewable energy
and efficiency

Electrification is important for low-income communities that are often disconnected from the grid. We help to drive demand, improve accessibility and affordability, for products such as solar lamps, improved cookstoves and PAYG financing.


Through digital wallets and payments that help build up a financial history and create a new connection between consumers and formal financial service providers, access to other financial products like micro-insurance and credit become possible at lower premiums.


We tailor our services to the needs of projects

We have developed thirteen useful tools that help us get our work done well. Need a specific tool for your project? We gladly adapt our tools or develop a new tool together.