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Folia Water manufactures an ultra low-cost water filter which sieves contaminated water into safe drinking water.
Folia Water
Product and service design
Marketing and distribution
Circularity and regeneration
Water, sanitation and hygiene
2018 to 2020
Folia Water manufactures an ultra low-cost water filter which sieves contaminated water into safe drinking water. Their silver-infused paper filter eliminates bacteria, viruses and other pathogens, reducing the risks of diarrhea and other waterborne diseases.
Bopinc was approached to support the launch of their product in Bangladesh. Considering that more than half of Bangladeshis have limited or no access to safe drinking water, this new and affordable product could be life-changing for families in low-income communities.
We train and build the capacity of rural sales agents to sell the product as we collect learnings and evidence on how to scale. The successful adoption and continued purchase of the affordable water filters would not only create income opportunities for microsales agents but would also mean millions of Bangladeshi households get access to this essential water treatment solution.
Consumer insights on desirability of the Folia Water filter
Pilot marketing & sales strategy through distribution networks
Evaluation and design of scaling strategy
Scale to viability