We work with an ecommerce company in West-Africa to innovate their business and make it more inclusive.
Ecommerce Company
Marketing and distribution
Gender and diversity
Renewable energy and efficiency
Côte D’ivoire
2020 to 2021
The fast growing ecommerce market provides new opportunities to reach low-income communities. With the adaption of smartphones and increased internet access, many people have access to e-commerce platforms and products that have traditionally not been available in rural retail shops and kiosks.
Supported by CDC, Bopinc, together with Hystra, works with Jumia in Ivory Coast to co-create high-impact ideas and run design sprints, which are currently transitioned to larger pilots. We also conduct impact assessments to better understand the impact of e-commerce in low-income markets. Potentially unlocking a new target group for e-commerce, driving women entrepreneurship and providing access to a new world of impactful products for low-income consumers.
Consumer and agent research
Four experiments designed to reach low-income consumers
Experiment roll-out and evaluation
Integrate learnings into strategy for scale