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A combination of online and offline training options focused on making sector specific knowledge, tools and global best practices available.
ResilientAfrica Network
Global Distributor's Collective
Marketing and distribution
Business model innovation
Digital innovation
Renewable energy
2020 to 2021
The 200 members of the Global Distributor’s Collective have reached over 33 million households. They are a key partner in serving low-income communities globally. Agent recruitment and training however is a major cost for many of these organisations. As is ensuring sales levels are high enough for agents to remain interested.
The GDC training platform, ‘Lighting the last mile’, addresses these concerns by making relevant and affordable training available.
The training platform brings together content that so far has been spread out across training providers and other actors in the sector. It will combine the latest expertise on last mile distribution with courses on management skills.
Needs assessment based on extensive existing training experience in the sector.
Training journey design and content development
Three cohorts will run through the full training program
Develop viable business plan to maintain the training platform
The Global Distributors Collective (GDC) is a collective of last mile distributors around the world. We are dedicated to supporting and representing last mile distribution companies to help them reach unserved customers with life-changing products, and to developing the last mile distribution sector as a whole.
Based on a survey of 72 GDC members from 30+ countries, as well as a series of expert interviews, this first-of-its-kind report highlights the vital role of last mile distributors (LMDs) in creating markets for beneficial products and effectively reaching last mile customers.