Dimensions of opportunity

Gender and diversity

Bopinc adds a conscious gender and diversity lens to all our work to ensure our products and services, and innovative business models, serve those entrepreneurs and consumers who need it most.

A business opportunity that will change the lives of millions

To create life-improving and sustainable impact in low-income communities, at Bopinc we understand the importance of placing women, and other underserved groups, at the centre of both product and service design - and its execution. While also ensuring that innovative business models, with which we work, benefit these same groups as the end recipient.

We help companies to make inclusion practical, by adding a gender and diversity lens to their insights collection, marketing and distribution strategies and internal operations. This opens up new and often underserved markets and in turn helps to run a more diverse and effective company.

Core expertise

How we go about
gender and diversity

Product and
service design

We support innovation of products for women and other underserved groups based on gender-smart insights and co-created product and service design.

Marketing and

Bring underserved entrepreneurs into value chains as agents and adapt companies in marketing and distribution strategies to reach a diverse group of low-income consumers.

Business model

We make sure entrepreneurs are enabled to centralise inclusion and diversity on all levels in their business model. This includes tools and coaching for (micro) entrepreneurs, investors and accelerators.

Connect with us

Getting more inclusive

Lotte-Marie is our gender and diversity lead, get in touch!

Lotte-Marie Brouwer

Our work on
gender and diversity


DANIDA | Arla Foods

USAID | Visa Foundation



Promoting Women Leaders in Agribusiness: A needs-based approach in 2SCALE’s Aya initiative

Although women play significant roles in agricultural value chains they're often left out of the decision-making process. Or heavily under-represented in transportation, marketing, and sales. They also face a “triple-burden” of responsibilities to their businesses, families, and communities - leaving them far less time to invest in their businesses. Through Aya, we have been engaging women agribusiness entrepreneurs in training and networking. A key step towards helping make the agri-value chain more gender-equal.

From Access to Impact: Three main barriers in women’s financial inclusion (and how to solve them)

The opportunity for women’s financial inclusion in emerging markets is huge. No wonder it’s becoming such a big priority for both governments and companies in the financial sector. Sadly, company efforts to bring more women onboard as users of financial services and products, are often hampered by barriers that are systemic and structural in nature. We will highlight three of the main barriers, provide you with a practical approach for designing for women and share several inspirational examples.

Micro and Mighty: How last mile entrepreneurs are making financial inclusion possible for women

If women's financial inclusion is a long race, micro-entrepreneurship is the winning mile!In this workshop hosted at the Sankalp Summit, we explored the gender finance gap and designed inclusive solutions to facilitate women’s financial inclusion through micro-entrepreneurship.

WE Rise Toolkit for Accelerators

This toolkit helps accelerators in making their programs more gender-smart by reaching out to women entrepreneurs, developing their businesses and connecting women entrepreneurs to each other and the right sources of finance.

WE Rise Toolkit for Entrepreprneurs

This toolkit is created specifically for women entrepreneurs that own a small to medium sized enterprise (SME) and want to assess and access the suitable sources of finance while becoming a gender inclusion champions.

WeClim Equally - Gender-Smart Handbook for Climate Entrepreneurs

Despite being disproportionately affected by climate change, women's voices are underrepresented in solutions. This handbook helps climate entrepreneurs implement gender inclusivity in their businesses.

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Project ideas

Explore gender
and diversity with us

We’re looking for companies that are keen to explore what gender and diversity could mean to their business. A few project ideas we are eager to pick up.

Decent work challenge

Encourage the innovation of entrepreneurial solutions that help offer underserved entrepreneurs decent work. Think about child care, insurance, and social security models.

Digital table banking for entrepreneurs

Provide affordable finance to underserved entrepreneurs through digitising community banking.

The power of connection

Worldwide platform for underserved entrepreneurs in low-income markets learning and sharing together.